Perth Drama Club held their AGM last night, 19th May 2015.
Prior to the AGM an EGM was convened in order to discuss changes to the Club's Constitution. Discussion were full and frank, but the changes were passed unanimously.
AGM started with a lovely speech from outgoing Club President Carolyn Duffin, and this was well received by all. This was followed by a discussion of the Accounts, presided over by outgoing Club Treasurer Eileen Munro. Woo hoo - it seems we made a small profit this year. Needless to say, the Accounts were adopted.
Then onto the important part - the voting in of the new Committee / Trustees. The results were as follows:
President - Max Clay Vice President - Martin Nickolls Secretary - Betty Little Treasurer - Elizabeth Cameron
Ordinary Members - Carolyn Duffin (ex officio) / John Johnson / Alan Willis / Helen Mitchell / Stephen Clay / Susan Corbett / Christine Aston
Subscription rates were left at the current rate.
No other business was discussed and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:50pm.
(Posted 20/05/2015)