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Perth Drama Club

Hi all followers of Perth Drama Club, be you near or far. We've not gone away. Far from it. We've been beavering away during these unprecedented times, supporting those in our little troupe who've needed help and keeping in touch with each other. We've had our ups and downs, our ins and outs...but no hokey-cokey thus far...although if we pull our knees in tight we might just get around to doing the time warp.

We've been chatting away on social media, running quizzes between ourselves and working out how to bring what we do best to our audience and fans. After a bit of brain wracking (no doubt assisted by gin) we decided (so far) to bring two lots of videos in from the dark and make them available for your entertainment.

The first video is our first selfie-panto - Cinderella. This can be seen here, on our amended Having Fun page.

The second is a series of Monologues recorded again by various members of Perth Drama Club, again to be seen here.

(Posted 03/08/2020)

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