Earlier News
Yeehaw - it's Pantomime time - 27/11/2016
Get ready to be rounded up for the rootenest, tootenest show this here side of the Atlantic. That's right - Buffalo Bill himself done gone and said that there's gonna be a Wild West show 'bout Cowboys and Injuns to entertain the mighty fine folks in the fine City of Perth. It's gonna tell a tale of how Injuns lost their land and then got it back again...oh yes it is.
There gonna be Cowboys & Injuns (did ah mention that?), sheriffs, dancing gals, horses, Prairie Flower the steer...and coconuts.
The round-up begins at 7:30pm on Thursday 12th January 2017 and it don't end until 2.30pm on Sunday 15th January 2017. Get yourself along to the Salutation Hotel folks - there may be gold...for sure there be comedy gold.
We gonna tell y'all about the tickets right now. Them smoke signals from yonder sez that you get 'em at these places: the fine purveyors of music in Perth know as Concorde Music (selling their wares in Scott Street in Perth) and the food-n-tea-n-coffee people of South Street's Giraffe. Or if you and your posse are users of new-fangled technology then head on over to TicketSource, or choose your tickets below. It don't matter how you get them tickets - they cost the same everywhere: £10 for adults and £8 concessions. One-Eyed Jake don't mind how you get tickets just as long as you buy 'em - he just likes the sound 'o the money rollin' in. Ka-ching. Ka-ching.
Pantomime Rehearsals - 23/10/2016
Regular service will resume at Perth Drama Club this Tuesday (25/10/2016) with rehearsals for our Pantomime re-starting.
Club meeting cancelled this week - 18/10/2016
The meeting at the Clubrooms this evening (18/10/2016) has been cancelled. This is due to this weeks performances of "Cat and Mouse." Normal meetings will resume next week (25/10/2016)
World Premiere - Cat and Mouse (Ajay Close) - 12/09/2016
Tickets are now on sale for the world premiere of "Cat and Mouse" by Ajay Close. October 19-22 @ 7.30pm at Goodlyburn Theatre, Perth.
It is the Summer of 1914 and four women are jailed in Perth Prison for political violence. They hunger strike. The government orders force feeding.
Arabella Scott tried to burn down Kelso Racecourse and she is now under the ‘care' of Dr Hugh Ferguson Watson. Morning and evening, he arrives to put her through the brutal procedure of forcible feeding. Between times he returns, dismissing the prison warders, so that he and Arabella can talk. He sees them as doctor and patient, she as torturer and victim. As the isolation takes hold they become confidantes in an uneasy and intriguing relationship.
In this World Premiere of "Cat and Mouse” by Ajay Close, the brutality and incompetence of the establishment are exposed, alongside the unflinching bravery of the suffragettes who defied the authorities to win the right to vote.
Tickets are available from Concorde Music, Scott Street, Perth; Giraffe, South Street, Perth; and TicketSource.
After Thursday's performance (20/10/2016), play author Ajay Close will be giving a talk on Cat and Mouse - the inspiration, local history, characters and locations.
Perth Drama Club acknowledges the help of The Thomson Charitable Trust (SCO10317) in putting on this show.
Annual General Meeting - 18/08/2016
Perth Drama Club held its AGM on 02/08/2016 at the Club Rooms. Amongst various items were two sets of elections: Club Officers and Committee Members.
The following Club Officers were elected:
Club President - Martin Nickolls
Club Vice President - Susan Corbett
Treasurer - Elizabeth Cameron
Secretary - Linda Coupar
Rachel Garcia & Andrew Illsley were elected to the Committee. They join the Club Officials aswell as Christine Ashton & Helen Mitchell. Alan Willis stood down from the Committee.
Annual General Meeting - 20/07/2016
Perth Drama Club will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the Club Rooms on 2nd August 2016, starting sharp at 7:30pm. Can all current paid-up members please attend this meeting as various items are to be discussed and voted upon, not the least of which is the new Club President and membership of the Club Committee.
No meeting this week - 12/07/2016
Perth Drama Club will not be meeting this week (12/07/2016). This is to allow preparation for auditions for our next production. Normal service will resume next week (19/07/2016).
Pub Quiz - 08/07/2016
Perth Drama Club are holding a fundraising pub quiz on the 22nd July. We're taking over the Abbotsford Lounge from 7pm. Teams of four at £10/team. There'll be a raffle too.
Annual General Meeting Postsponed - 11/05/2016
Please note that the AGM that was due to take place on 18th May 2016 has been delayed. Please keep an eye open for a new date.
Annual General Meeting - 04/05/2016
Perth Drama Club will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the Club Rooms on 18th May 2016, starting sharp at 7:30pm. Can all current paid-up members please attend this meeting as various items are to be discussed and decided upon, not the least of which is the new Club President and membership of the Club Committee.
Rehearsals - 17/04/2016
We will be having our first rehearsal of act 1 (& maybe 2!) of our next production, "The Devil's Disciple" on Tuesday evening (19/04/2016)
Casting our June Play - 11/04/2016
This Tuesday, 12th April, Bill will announce who has been cast in the upcoming production of The Devil's Disciple. He also invites auditions for four remaining parts: Judith, Essie, Maj. Swindon and Sergeant. The rest of the time will be given over to Killin rehearsal as appropriate.
Our June Play - 05/04/2016
In tonight's session we will read the rest of Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple", which is to be our June production. Loads of great parts-come along, we want to hear you voice!
Our June Play - 29/03/2016
Hi everyone. We will be reading "The Devil's Disciple" tonight which will hopefully be our full length play in June. Lots of good parts so hope to see as many of you tonight as possible!
Killin Komedy Festival - 23/02/2016
This week's meeting we will consider any more suggestions for Killin Komedy Fest.
Please bring any scripts you would like to try out.
No meeting tonight - 16/02/2016
There will be no meeting of Perth Drama Club tonight. We will meet next week (23/02/2016).
Script Reading - 08/02/2016
This Tuesday, 9th Feb, we will hear all about the plans for the next productions, as well as reading through some scripts we fancy for the Killin Comedy Festival. Please feel free to bring along any you'd like us to try out...Or just come along for a laugh!
No meeting tonight - 02/02/2016
Perth Drama Club is not meeting this week due to a Committee Meeting taking place. Normal
service will resume on 09/02/2016
We're doing Panto - 27/12/2015
Perth Drama Club are doing Panto...oh yes we are.
We'll be at the Salutation Hotel, South Street, Perth on 20th, 21st & 22nd January 2016 at 7pm.
Tickets are £10 and £5, available from various sources:
Perth Drama Club members
Concorde Music, Scott Street, Perth
On-line from TicketSource - https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/116228
Club Pub Quiz Night - 29/06/2015
Hi everyone.
Just to say a big thank you to Betty for organising tonight's quiz and to all who turned up and/or
donated raffle prizes. The amount raised before expenses is £353.65. (I have no idea how we got
65p). Great effort Betty.
The team of Max, Stephen, Moira and Eileen won the quiz. Can we say congratulations?
Thanks again to all of you.
- EM
Club Pub Quiz Night - 24/06/2015
This a reminder that the PDC quiz is this Friday, 26th June, at the Abbotsford, Abbot Street, gathering from 7pm and starting at 7.30. You don't need to have a team already made-up - just come along. Last year's quiz was great fun - a good quiz and lots of opportunity for chatting and laughing as well. This is also an important fund raiser for us too which is just one more reason to come.
We would welcome a few more good raffle prizes - bring them with you when you come.
We hope to see you there.
Club closed - 05/06/2015
Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no meeting of Perth Drama Club on Tuesday 9th June. Normal service will resume on 16th June. Perth Drama Club apologises for any inconvenience.
Forthcoming - 24/05/2015
Hi everybody
Just a note about the next couple of weeks. A week on Tuesday (02/06/2015) we will be reading pieces of "Wind in the Willows" prior to auditions. (For those who don't know, our director is Max)
This Tuesday (26/05/2015) I am going to show you the rudiments of juggling. All that is required is to bring three objects of about the same size and weight. Juggling balls are best. Bouncy balls will keep you fit!! Juggling is good exercise.
And if you have a skill you could share, bring it along. Let me know if folks need to bring anything special.
See you Tuesday.
AGM 2015 - 20/05/2015
Perth Drama Club held their AGM last night, 19th May 2015.
Prior to the AGM an EGM was convened in order to discuss changes to the Club's Constitution. Discussion were full and frank, but the changes were passed unanimously.
AGM started with a lovely speech from outgoing Club President Carolyn Duffin, and this was well received by all. This was followed by a discussion of the Accounts, presided over by outgoing Club Treasurer Eileen Munro. Woo hoo - it seems we made a small profit this year. Needless to say, the Accounts were adopted.
Then onto the important part - the voting in of the new Committee / Trustees. The results were as follows:
President - Max Clay
Vice President - Martin Nickolls
Secretary - Betty Little
Treasurer - Elizabeth Cameron
Ordinary Members - Carolyn Duffin (ex officio) / John Johnson / Alan Willis / Helen Mitchell / Stephen Clay / Susan Corbett / Christine Aston
Subscription rates were left at the current rate.
No other business was discussed and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:50pm.
Update - 20/05/2015
Perth Drama Club made it through to the second round. However, we were unable to progress beyond that point. We were happy that we'd progressed that far, farther than we have been in some time.
Since then Perth Drama CLub have also attended the Killin Komedy Festival 2015 where we presented 3 shorts items. All three items were well received.
We're through - 02/03/2015
Congratulations to the three teams from Perth Drama Club who took part in the SCDA One Act Play Festival at the Birnam Institute this past week. "Little Box of Oblivion" won the award for best set and "Playing with Daisy" gained third place and goes through to the next round. Well done to all and thanks to all who took part, both the actors and the backstage crew.
Seasons Greetings - 27/12/2014
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and that you'll have a Happy New Year.
We hope to see you all on the 6th January when Perth Drama Club resumes rehearsals for the SCDA One Act Play Festival 2015.
Panto Reading - 14/12/2014
This Tuesday (16/12/2014) Perth Drama Club will be reading a Panto (on yes we are), accompanied by bring-and-share festive nibbles and drink.
So please come along, with something to nibble and something to drink, ready to have an end-of-year laugh.
If you are planning to come please contact us via Facebook or the Contact page on this site just so that we know there there'll be sufficient people for the characters in the Panto (there are loads of parts so pretty much everyone who wants to read should be able to).
Hope to see you on Tuesday.
Our next productions - 09/11/2014
Perth Drama Club are currently in the process of deciding on our next productions. Plays have been read, discussed and decided upon. Directors will be decided upon shortly and then audtions will take place. The aim is to enter these productions into the SCDA One Act Play Festival at Birnam in early 2015. Please keep your eyes peeled.
Oh What a Lovely War - the aftermath - 09/11/2014
Our production of "Oh What a Lovely War" was a success. Two of the three nights were sold out. The acting was great, the music magic and the audience most appreciative. Perth Drama Club would like to thank all who supported us during the production phase and all who bought tickets and came to see the performance.
Tickets on Sale - 08/09/2014
Tickets for our production of "Oh what a Lovely War" are now on sale. They can be purchased from Concorde Music, Scott Street, Perth (01738-621818); from the Black Watch Museum, Balhousie Castle, Perth (01738-638152); and by contacting Perth Drama Club on perthdramaclub@gmail.com. Tickets cost £10 (£8 concession).
Perth Rotary Club Stall
Perth Drama Club will have a stall at the Perth Rotary Club charity event in Perth city centre on 30th August 2014. There will be a tombola to raise funds for our production of "Oh what a Lovely War" as well as some of the cast singing numbers from the show. Please come along and support us from 10am - 2pm on the day.
Perth Drama Club are currently rehearsing for their next production: "Oh what a Lovely War". The performances will take place at the Black Watch Museum in Perth from 9-12 October 2014.
Rehearsals are going well, with all major and most other parts cast. There may still be some openings for some of the soldiers. Please keep an eye on this page and we'll let you know more details.
We know that tickets will be very popular for this production so please keep your eyes on this and we'll let you know about availability as soon as possible.
Previous Events
Perth Drama Club took their production of "Last Tango in Little Dunkeld" to the Killin Komedy Festival at the start of May 2014. We had a brilliant time and the audience seemed to enjoy themselves. The other people taking part also put on stellar performances.
We performed "Bouncers" and "Shakers" at the beginning of November 2013, at Ad-Lib Theatre Arts in Perth. This raised just under £500 (after expenses). A great many thanks to those who came along to the shows and made them the success they were.
Many many thanks to the people of the Fair City of Perth. Thanks to you we raised the very welcome sum of nearly £250 during the Round Table 2013 charity event. This will be put towards our "Raise the Roof" fund, a project to refurbish our club rooms.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Perth Drama Club 'B' for coming 3rd in the 2013 SCDA area competion at the Birnam Institute with 'The Witches of Prestwick.' Also to the 'A' team who came 5th with Alan Aykbourn's 'A Cut in the Rates'
'A Cut in the Rates' was performed again at Killin Drama Club's Comedy Play Festival on the 11th May 2013.////