Previous Production
Mother Hubbard (George Hutchison)
It's that time of year again...Oh no it isn't...Oh yes it is. Perth Drama is proud to present this years annual family Pantomime "Mother Hubbard," written and directed by our very own George Hutchison. We have Bo Peep, Frankie, Mother Hubbard (she lives in a shoe y'know) and the Fair Maid of Perth aswell as the baddies. But we'll keep them as a surprise.
This cultural highlight of 2018 for Perth starts on 31st January and runs until 3rd February, with the First Act starting at 7.30pm. There'll be a matinee at 2.30pm on 3rd February. Tickets will be available from Concorde Music, Scott Street; Giraffe Cafe, South Street; and online from TicketSource.
Director: George Hutchison
Producer: Eileen Munro
Mother Hubbard: Susan Corbett
Frankie, her son: Niall M Robertson
Bo Peep, her daughter: Melanie Figures
Her other children:
Mary-Mary: Cathy Monteith
Lucy Locket: Rachel Garcia
Mollie Muffet: Fiona Burns
Georgie-Porgie: Alan Willis
Jack Horner: Baz Tweed
& The Kids from Kinnoull
Donald Crump, Tycoon: Martin Nickolls
His son, Boron: Liam Gall
His Daughter, Evilika: Nick Wilson
Syco Phant, Evilka's PA: Rachel Garcia
Pie & Chips, Crump's Henchmen: Steve Ashton & Mark Gordon
The Fair Midden of Perth: Helen Mitchell
Balloon Seller: Alan Willis
Evictees: Pat Lee & John Johnson
Lesley Hardgusset, HMI: Heti G Cougherson
Stage Manager: Kenny Drennan
Stage Crew: Steve Ashton / Jess Watt / Mark Gordon / Danielle Clapham
Make-up & Costumes: Elizabeth Cameron / Linda Coupar / Pat Lee
Sound & Lighting Director: Ronnie Mitchell
Lighting Assistant: Cameron Murray
Design: Catriona Prodger / Niall M. Robertson
Musical Directors: Christine M Aston / Lorna Johnson
Front of House: Valerie Henderson
Thanks go to the following organisations for their help with this production: