Interested in Developing your Acting Skills?
The club is offering a series of four workshops on Tuesday evenings aimed at actors who want to develop their abilities and skills.
The workshops are suitable for anyone who wants to think creatively about how they perform or get practical ideas and tips for improving aspects of performance including:
Voice work (from breathing and projection to special techniques)
Moving on stage and stage presence
Characterisation (including deepening character and credibility)
Preparing for auditions
The four workshops, which build on each other, will run from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on:
20/02/2018: Setting up Strong and Credible Performances - analysing and building your character
06/03/2018: Performance Skills - Voice Work and Movement on Stage
20/03/2018: Making Your Character Live - Deepening characterisation and making your character real.
27/03/2018: Preparing for a Production and Bringing it all together - Thinking about range, skills, auditioning and roles plus a guided mini-production using the material from the previous workshops.
The workshops will be run by Max and Andrew and are free to members (£5 for each workshop for non-members).
If you'd like to know more, contact Max or Andrew ( or
If you'd like to participate please let us know, using the above details, so that they know the numbers to prepare for.
(Posted 11/02/2018)