News - 2017
Pantomime Workshop - 06/09/2017
It will soon be that time of year again - Oh yes it will - and we are already looking forward to starting work on our Panto 'Old Mother Hubbard' straight after the run of 'The Screwtape Letters'. To that end, George Hutchison, who is writing and directing, will be holding a Panto Workshop in the club rooms on Sunday 17/9/17 from 2:00pm - 4:30pm. We hope you can all make it along. There will be some material coming out to you before that to help you participate.
The Screwtape Letters - 06/09/2017
Tickets are now on sale for Perth Drama Club’s next production of The Screwtape Letters, an adaptation by Nigel Forde of C.S. Lewis's classic masterpiece of satire.
In the Original, Lewis uses a series of letters written by Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood (a senior devil and his novice tempter respectively), to offer a sardonic running commentary on the temptations of the modern world. The letters offer advice on ways of winning over a wavering soul to the devil and lists the various possibilities, from using the power of mundane materialism and exploiting the petty snobberies of organised religion to using the lure of novelty and the insidiousness of pride.
Forde's adaptation brings the action to life, creating a piece that is lively and very funny, and which shines an ironic light on the foibles of humanity. The action takes place in and from the viewpoint of a university, where Screwtape is a senior academic in the Department of Hell and Damnation. Wormwood and others are his students who try, but often fail, to do his bidding. Comic yet serious, the play reverses the grandiose temptations offered to Marlowe's Dr Faustus, suggesting instead that "...the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts."
As well as involving a cast and support team ranging in age from 18 to 60+ this will be a piece of community theatre with high production values that will not only develop the theatre skills of its participants but also entertain and stimulate its audiences.
Performances will take place at 7.30pm, 4th-7th October 2017, at St Matthews Church, Tay Street, Perth.
Tickets are available from Concorde Music, Scott Street, Perth; Giraffe, South Street, Perth; and TicketSource.
Perth Drama Club Pub Quiz - 24/06/2017
Last night's pub quiz was a great success. The winning team - after a very close tie-break - was led by our own Steve Ashton. Thanks to the generosity of all involved we made £242 after expenses.
Perth Drama Club Pub Quiz - 18/06/2017
Perth Drama Club will hold their annual Pub Quiz next Friday - 23rd June 2017. It'll start at 7.30pm and be at the Abbotsford Lounge in Craigie, Perth. Come along, have a pint, take part and have fun.
Perth Drama Club AGM - 18/06/2017
Perth Drama Club AGM will take place on 4th July 2017 at the Club Rooms. The meeting will start at 7.30pm so please be there promptly. All Perth Drama Club members will have been emailed a copy of the Agenda and also the Minutes from the 2016 AGM. If you have yet to receive a copy please email perthdramaclub@gmail.com.
Auditions - 23/05/2017
Perth Drama Club is excited to announce that our next production will be C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters." Auditions for this production will take place on Tuesday 6/6/17 at the club, starting at 7.30pm. They will take place in front of a panel of three people and thereafter there may be callbacks for the weekend of 10-11/6/17 depending on availability.
If you are interested in a part please could you let us know by Friday 26/5/17 saying which part you are interested in and we will then let you know what the audition pieces are. We'd also like to know if you would be interested in taking any part that is allocated to you if you do not succeed in being cast in your preferential role. Also if you cannot make the audition date let us know and we can make other arrangements.
Please also let us know if you are interested in backstage work.
At the moment we are looking at a production date of the week commencing 2/10/17.
Club Nights - 21/05/2017
Perth Drama Club have wrapped their run of Bernard Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple" with three well-attended performances. The Club now have their eyes set on their next production. Keep your eyes peeled - details will be announced shortly.
The Devil's Disciple - 16/04/2017
Perth Drama Club is pleased to announce that our next production will be Bernard Shaw's "The Devils Disciple." Set in 1777 towards the end of the American War of Independence this piece centres round the character of Richard Dudgeon, who has been disowned by his family and is set to receive an inheritance from his father. He is also one of the rebels. Richard goes by the nickname "The Devil’s Disciple", which he is happy to use to annoy his family. However, as is the case with wars and crisis Richard finds he can make a selfless act rather than a selfish one as an actual disciple of the Devil would. The minister, Pastor Anderson, for whom Richard is making a sacrifice, finds that he is more a man of action than a minister.
Performances will take place in the North Church, Mill Street Perth from 11-13th May. All performances will start at 7.30pm. Tickets can be obtained from Concorde Music, Scott Street, Perth; Giraffe Cafe, South Street, Perth; and on-line at TicketSource.
Call for Actors - 12/02/2017
Our next production is Bernard Shaws' "The Devils Disciple". We are looking for 2 male actors to fill the following roles:
Pastor Anderson - Playing age 50ish, slim to average build, he is a pious pastor and an underground militia leader.
Major Swindon - Playing age 35-50, Pragmatic man and a stickler for the rules.